Soul Care Sessions


For many of us, we arrive at places in our relationship with God where we feel stuck, dry, or even despairing.

Often times when we come to these places our responses are to seek to fix, try harder, or avoid our relationship with God.

If you have experienced these places with God, and responded in these ways, you have probably also discovered that these solutions don’t work, or at least don’t work for very long. We end up in a cycle that leaves us wondering, “is this all there is to the Christian life?”

Spiritual Direction is…

A practice within the Christian tradition. It is a relationship designed to meet you in these stuck, dry, confused, and despairing places with friendship, listening, discernment and prayer. It is an ongoing conversation between two people who are committed to seeking to understand the presence and action of God in your life.

Spiritual direction is for women who truly long to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Spiritual Direction is a scheduled monthly conversation (50 mins) offered in person or on zoom. A minimum 6-month commitment is recommended. When you register, you pay for the first and last month.

Am am qualified to offer spiritual direction? Yes.

After graduating from Point Loma Nazarene University with a BA in Psychology, I earned a Master’s degree in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care from Talbot Seminary.

Cost: $90 /per month


Do you have any more questions? Ask me!


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